Stay Safe During The Scholarship Search

Use Caution When Using the Internet to Apply for Scholarships

Protect all of your accounts with strong passwords and change them regularly.

Create a different password for each scholarship site that you use; if one password is stolen, not all of your accounts will be at risk.

Never click on suspicious links on scholarship networking sites – even if they are from your friends.

Don’t accept a friend request or a follow request from a stranger - people are not always who they say they are.The best way to keep scammers out of your life is to never let them in.

Keep your personal details personal.

Be careful what information you share and post online and with whom you share it– expect that people other than your friends can see it.

Don’t post information that would make you or your family vulnerable. Never share information such as your birthday, home address, information about your daily routine, holiday plans, or your school.

Make sure your online social networking profiles are set to private. Never give out your account details. Regularly update your computer’s security software and keep it updated.

A Shameless Plug...

I (Rondalynne McClintock) co-authored this book chapter: Implications of Social Media Use in Personal and Professional Settings. I know a little bit about staying safe and professional in the online world. : )

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